Archive for 2014
God, Our Daddy, God Most High: The Lord’s Prayer Poem For Kids
By Tate Johnston on March 5, 201401God, our Daddy, God Most High You’re amazing in our eyes! Be the King, here as above Let everything be done with love May we have just what we need Sorry when it’s me me me I forgive those who’ve hurt me Light the pathway for our feet Shield us from the evil one When day starts ’til night is […] -
Five Original Reading Books For Kids
By Tate Johnston on February 19, 2014This past year, I wrote 5 little books for my 4 year old son. If no other child in the whole world ever read them, it would be worth it. Getting to see his grin. Getting to see him focus. Getting to help him learn how to learn. When I wrote these, my older son had already learned how to […] -
Floods in England: Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another … May
By Tate Johnston on February 12, 2014or maybe even June. If you’ve been watching the news lately, you know there has been a lot of flooding in England. From minor frustration to really devastating ruinous stuff. Thankfully, even though I think our house is a grand total of about 10 feet above sea-level, it hasn’t been flooded. (Aside: The flooding has made me think about how […] -
Skylanders, Moshis And Star Wars Help Kids Learn to Read Nonsense!
By Tate Johnston on February 5, 2014Skylanders and Moshis aren’t complete nonsense though. In fact, I’ve found that the attention span for my kids looking at books, sticking stickers and playing with figurines is downright amazing! (Disclaimer: I’m pretty sure that Skylanders and Moshis have videogame/online components which we don’t use. We have stuck (no pun intended) with stickers, books and some figurines. Except for that […] -
When Two Vowels Go Walking, The First One (Almost Always, Usually, Half the Time, Sometimes, Rarely) Does The Talking
By Tate Johnston on January 30, 2014You may be familiar with and possibly may have even taught the reading/spelling rule: When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. But what percentage of the time does this widely known reading/spelling rule actually hold true? Pick one: 20% – Rarely 40% – Sometimes 50% – Half the Time 70% – Usually 90% – Almost Always […] -
A Reading Teacher Who Couldn’t Read Any More
By Tate Johnston on January 28, 2014I just came across this fascinating, inspiring and informative article about A Reading Teacher Who Lost The Ability To Read! which illustrates the difference between decoding and comprehending. The teacher, who the article calls “M.”, suffered a series of small strokes which affected her brain. The article explains: “The disorder is called alexia. The strokes damaged the connection between the […] -
What’s the Best Way To Teach A Child To Read?
By Tate Johnston on January 19, 2014Like a lot of parents, I want to help my children be prepared for school (and beyond). Of all the skills that parents often help their kids learn in childhood: how to tie their shoes how to a ride bike how to swim How to Train Your Dragon It seems like helping them learn to read is one of the […] -
No Limit, Just Sky
By Tate Johnston on January 12, 2014No Limit, Just Sky by Tate Johnston We Are Parents and Carers and Toddler Teachers Handers of Crayons to Just-Out-Of-Reachers Lovers of Reading, Leaders of Learning Do-What-It-Takers To Keep Their Worlds Turning Just Need A Breakers, Instructors of Manners Birthday Cake Makers and Hangers of Banners Stand Up And Cheerers, Dirty Hands Getters Kissers of Boo-Boos, We Make-It-All-Betters Washers of […]